Familien Brudvik

Brudvik, Røedvang, Grønvold, Bjørkelund, Nygård, Edvardsen, Sørensen, Hansen, Pedersen

Beatrice of Swabia

Beatrice of Swabia

Kvinne 1162 - 1174  (12 år)



Dimensjoner365 x 478
Linket tilAgnes of Swabia; Beatrice of Swabia; Hertug Conrad of Swabia; Hertug Conrad of Swabia, II; Hertug Frederick of Swabia, V; Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Swabia, III; Hertug Frederick The One-Eyed of Swabia, II; Gisela of Swabia; Holy Roman Emperor Henry of Swabia, VI; Judith of Swabia; Renaud of Swabia; William of Swabia